Notice to users

This is a restricted government system for official judiciary business only. All activities on this system for any purpose, and all access attempts, may be recorded and monitored or reviewed by persons authorized by the federal judiciary for improper use, protection of system security, performance of maintenance, and appropriate management by the judiciary of its systems. By using this system or any connected system, users expressly consent to system monitoring and to official access to data reviewed and created by them on the system. Any evidence of unlawful activity, including unauthorized access attempts, may be reported to law enforcement officials.

eVoucher Notice

eVoucher now uses a multi-factor authentication system through, which means that eVoucher will prompt users to sign in using their existing credentials or create a new account. is a separate system from eVoucher, and the court does not have access to Please visit for assistance with

Points of Contacts

Grady Irvin, Esquire

CJA Panel Representative for the Middle District
507 W. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Suite B
Plant City, FL 33563-5217
United States

Telephone: 813-659-2000
Mary Cruz Ordonez

Mary Ordonez
Panel Administrator, Middle District of Florida Office of the Federal Defender
201 South Orange Avenue
Suite 300
Orlando, FL 32801
United States

Telephone: 407-648-6338
Facsimile: 407-648-6095
CJA Voucher Reimbursement – District Court

CJA Voucher Reimbursement
Florida Middle District United States District Court Clerk's Office
401 West Central Boulevard
Room 1200
Orlando, FL 32801-0120
United States

CJA Voucher Reimbursement – Eleventh Circuit

Tora Freeman
CJA Deputy Clerk for the Eleventh Circuit Office of the Clerk of Court
56 Forsyth Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
United States

Telephone: 404-335-6122